


前面的一篇博客利用表面格林函数计算了边界态,虽然相比于通常对角化哈密顿量矩阵的方法要节省之间,但是迭代的收敛速度会比较慢,这里就提供一种收敛速度更快的方法来计算边界态. 在之前的利用格林函数求解边界态这篇博客中,利用边界格林函数的方法计算了边界态,但是这个算法的收敛速度会比较慢,这里就提供一个收敛速度更快的方案来计算边界态.关于这个算法的内容可以参考Highly convergent schemes for the calculation of bulk and surface Green functions这篇文章,里面有对算法详细的描述.



\[H(\mathbf{k})=(m_0-t_x\cos k_x-t_y\cos k_y)\sigma_z+\lambda_x\sin k_x\sigma_xs_z+\lambda_y\sin k_y\sigma_y\label{ham}\]

至于具体的计算方法可以阅读Highly convergent schemes for the calculation of bulk and surface Green functions这篇文章。






using LinearAlgebra,DelimitedFiles,PyPlot
function Pauli()
    hn = 4
    g1 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    g2 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    g3 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    #------ Kinetic energy
    g1[1,1] = 1
    g1[2,2] = -1
    g1[3,3] = 1
    g1[4,4] = -1
    #-------- SOC-x
    g2[1,2] = 1
    g2[2,1] = 1
    g2[3,4] = -1
    g2[4,3] = -1
    #---------- SOC-y
    g3[1,2] = -1im
    g3[2,1] = 1im
    g3[3,4] = -1im
    g3[4,3] = 1im
    return g1,g2,g3
# ========================================================
function matset(ky::Float64)
    hn::Int64 = 4
    H00 = zeros(ComplexF64,4,4)
    H01 = zeros(ComplexF64,4,4)
    g1 = zeros(ComplexF64,4,4)
    g2 = zeros(ComplexF64,4,4)
    g3 = zeros(ComplexF64,4,4)
    m0::Float64 = 1.5
    tx::Float64 = 1.0
    ty::Float64 = 1.0
    ax::Float64 = 1.0
    ay::Float64 = 1.0
    g1,g2,g3 = Pauli()
    for m in 1:hn
        for l in 1:hn
            H00[m,l] = (m0-ty*cos(ky))*g1[m,l] + ay*sin(ky)*g3[m,l] 

            H01[m,l] = (-tx*g1[m,l] - 1im*ax*g2[m,l])/2
    return H00,H01
# ====================================================================================
function gf(omg::Float64,ky::Float64)
    hn::Int64 = 4
    iter::Int64 = 0
    itermax::Int64 = 100
    eta::Float64 = 0.01
    omegac::ComplexF64 = 0.0
    accuarrcy::Float64 = 1E-7
    erracc::Float64 = 0.0
    epsilon0 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    epsilon0s = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    epsiloni = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    epsilonis = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    alpha0 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    alphai = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    beta0 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    betai = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    H00 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    H01 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    unit = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    GLL = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    GRR = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    GBulk = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    omegac = omg + 1im*eta
    H00,H01 = matset(ky)
    epsilon0s = H00
    epsilon0 = H00
    alpha0 = H01
    beta0 = conj(transpose(H01))
    for i in 1:hn
        unit[i,i] = 1
    for iter in 1:itermax
        epsilonis = epsilon0s + alpha0*inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)*beta0
        epsiloni = epsilon0 + beta0*inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)*alpha0+alpha0*inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)*beta0
        alphai = alpha0*inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)*alpha0
        betai = beta0*inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)*beta0

        epsilon0s = epsilonis
        epsilon0 = epsiloni
        alpha0 = alphai
        beta0 = betai
        erracc = abs(sum(alphai))
        # if erracc < accuarrcy
        #     break
        # end
    # GLL = inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0s)
    # GBulk = inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)
    GLL = epsilon0s
    GBulk = epsilon0
    return GLL,GBulk
# ====================================================================================
function gf2(omg::Float64,ky::Float64)
    hn::Int64 = 4
    iter::Int64 = 0
    itermax::Int64 = 100
    eta::Float64 = 0.01
    omegac::ComplexF64 = 0.0
    epsilon0 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    epsilon0s = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    epsiloni = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    epsilonis = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    alpha0 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    alphai = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    beta0 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    betai = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    H00 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    H01 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    unit = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    GLL = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    GRR = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    GBulk = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    omegac = omg + 1im*eta
    H00,H01 = matset(ky)
    epsilon0s = H00
    epsilon0 = H00
    alpha0 = H01
    beta0 = conj(transpose(H01))
    for i in 1:hn
        unit[i,i] = 1
    for iter in 1:itermax
        epsilonis = epsilon0s + alpha0*inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)*beta0
        epsiloni = epsilon0 + alpha0*inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)*beta0 + beta0*inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)*alpha0
        alphai = alpha0*inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)*alpha0
        betai = beta0*inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)*beta0

        epsilon0s = epsilonis
        epsilon0 = epsiloni
        alpha0 = alphai
        beta0 = betai
        erracc = abs(sum(alphai))
    # GLL = inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0s)
    # GBulk = inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)
    GLL = epsilon0s
    GBulk = epsilon0
    return GLL,GBulk
# ==========================================================
function main()
    hn::Int64 = 4
    kn::Int64 = 600
    omgN::Int64 = kn
    ky::Float64 = 0.0
    omg::Float64 = 0.0
    GLL = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    GBulk = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    f1 = open("bhz.dat","w")
    for i0 in -kn:kn
        ky = pi*i0/kn
        for i1 in -omgN:omgN
            omg = i1*3.0/omgN
            GLL,GBulk = gf2(omg,ky)
            re1 = log(-imag(sum(GLL))/pi)
            re2 = log(-imag(sum(GBulk))/pi)
            writedlm(f1,[ky/pi omg re1 re2 re1 + re2],"\t")
# =========================================================
# @time main()



using DelimitedFiles
using ProgressMeter
@everywhere using SharedArrays, LinearAlgebra,Distributed,DelimitedFiles
@everywhere function Pauli()
    hn = 4
    g1 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    g2 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    g3 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    #------ Kinetic energy
    g1[1,1] = 1
    g1[2,2] = -1
    g1[3,3] = 1
    g1[4,4] = -1
    #-------- SOC-x
    g2[1,2] = 1
    g2[2,1] = 1
    g2[3,4] = -1
    g2[4,3] = -1
    #---------- SOC-y
    g3[1,2] = -1im
    g3[2,1] = 1im
    g3[3,4] = -1im
    g3[4,3] = 1im
    return g1,g2,g3
# ========================================================
@everywhere function matset(ky::Float64)
    hn::Int64 = 4
    H00 = zeros(ComplexF64,4,4)
    H01 = zeros(ComplexF64,4,4)
    g1 = zeros(ComplexF64,4,4)
    g2 = zeros(ComplexF64,4,4)
    g3 = zeros(ComplexF64,4,4)
    m0::Float64 = 1.5
    tx::Float64 = 1.0
    ty::Float64 = 1.0
    ax::Float64 = 1.0
    ay::Float64 = 1.0
    g1,g2,g3 = Pauli()
    for m in 1:hn
        for l in 1:hn
            H00[m,l] = (m0-ty*cos(ky))*g1[m,l] + ay*sin(ky)*g3[m,l] 

            H01[m,l] = (-tx*g1[m,l] - 1im*ax*g2[m,l])/2
    return H00,H01
# ====================================================================================
@everywhere function gf(omg::Float64,ky::Float64)
    hn::Int64 = 4
    iter::Int64 = 0
    itermax::Int64 = 100
    eta::Float64 = 0.01
    omegac::ComplexF64 = 0.0
    accuarrcy::Float64 = 1E-7
    erracc::Float64 = 0.0
    epsilon0 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    epsilon0s = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    epsiloni = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    epsilonis = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    alpha0 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    alphai = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    beta0 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    betai = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    H00 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    H01 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    unit = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    GLL = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    GRR = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    GBulk = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    omegac = omg + 1im*eta
    H00,H01 = matset(ky)
    epsilon0s = H00
    epsilon0 = H00
    alpha0 = H01
    beta0 = conj(transpose(H01))
    for i in 1:hn
        unit[i,i] = 1
    for iter in 1:itermax
        epsilonis = epsilon0s + alpha0*inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)*beta0
        epsiloni = epsilon0 + beta0*inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)*alpha0+alpha0*inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)*beta0
        alphai = alpha0*inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)*alpha0
        betai = beta0*inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)*beta0

        epsilon0s = epsilonis
        epsilon0 = epsiloni
        alpha0 = alphai
        beta0 = betai
        erracc = abs(sum(alphai))
        # if erracc < accuarrcy
        #     break
        # end
    # GLL = inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0s)
    # GBulk = inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)
    GLL = epsilon0s
    GBulk = epsilon0
    return GLL,GBulk
# ====================================================================================
@everywhere function gf2(omg::Float64,ky::Float64)
    hn::Int64 = 4
    iter::Int64 = 0
    itermax::Int64 = 100
    eta::Float64 = 0.01
    omegac::ComplexF64 = 0.0
    epsilon0 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    epsilon0s = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    epsiloni = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    epsilonis = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    alpha0 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    alphai = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    beta0 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    betai = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    H00 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    H01 = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    unit = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    GLL = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    GRR = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    GBulk = zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn)
    omegac = omg + 1im*eta
    H00,H01 = matset(ky)
    epsilon0s = H00
    epsilon0 = H00
    alpha0 = H01
    beta0 = conj(transpose(H01))
    for i in 1:hn
        unit[i,i] = 1
    for iter in 1:itermax
        epsilonis = epsilon0s + alpha0*inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)*beta0
        epsiloni = epsilon0 + alpha0*inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)*beta0 + beta0*inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)*alpha0
        alphai = alpha0*inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)*alpha0
        betai = beta0*inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)*beta0

        epsilon0s = epsilonis
        epsilon0 = epsiloni
        alpha0 = alphai
        beta0 = betai
        erracc = abs(sum(alphai))
    # GLL = inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0s)
    # GBulk = inv(omegac*unit - epsilon0)
    GLL = epsilon0s
    GBulk = epsilon0
    return GLL,GBulk
# ==========================================================
@everywhere function main()
    hn::Int64 = 4
    kn::Int64 = 600
    omgN::Int64 = kn
    ky::Float64 = 0.0
    omg::Float64 = 0.0
    GLL = SharedArray(zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn))
    GBulk = SharedArray(zeros(ComplexF64,hn,hn))
    re1 = SharedArray(zeros(Float64,2*kn + 1,2*omgN + 1))
    re2 = SharedArray(zeros(Float64,2*kn + 1,2*omgN + 1))
    @sync @distributed for i0 in -kn:kn
        ky = i0*pi/kn
        for i1 in -omgN:omgN
            omg = i1*3.0/omgN
            GLL,GBulk = gf2(omg,ky)
            re1[i0 + kn + 1,i1 + omgN + 1] = log(-imag(sum(GLL))/pi)
            re2[i0 + kn + 1,i1 + omgN + 1] = log(-imag(sum(GBulk))/pi)
    f1 = open("bhz-parallel.dat","w")
    for i0 in -kn:kn
        kx = i0*pi/kn
        for i1 in -omgN:omgN
            omg = i1*3.0/omgN
            writedlm(f1,[kx/pi omg re1[i0 + kn + 1,i1 + omgN + 1] re2[i0 + kn + 1,i1 + omgN + 1] re1[i0 + kn + 1,i1 + omgN + 1] + re2[i0 + kn + 1,i1 + omgN + 1]],"\t")
# =========================================================
@time main()


julia -p 16 filename.jl


这里对julia两种版本进行速度比较,将格点密度同样取为600 * 600串行执行的结果

3067.176742 seconds (6.12 G allocations: 4.046 TiB, 8.50% gc time)


403.137411 seconds (34.37 M allocations: 4.617 GiB, 0.13% gc time, 0.28% compilation time)


    module pub
    implicit none
    integer N,iternum,hn
    real err,eta,dk,domg
    parameter( hn = 4, N = hn,iternum = 200,err = 1e-16,eta = 0.01,dk = 0.01,domg = dk)
    real,parameter::pi = 3.1415926535
    complex,parameter::im = (0.,1.0)  
    complex ones(N,N),GLL(N,N),GRR(N,N),GB(N,N)
    complex H00(N,N)  ! diagonal elementery
    complex H01(N,N)  ! off-diag elementery
    complex g1(hn,hn),g2(hn,hn),g3(hn,hn)
    real m0,mu   
    real tx,ty
    real ax,ay
    end module pub
    program main
    use pub
    !======parameter value setting =====
    m0 = 1.5
    tx = 1.0
    ty = 1.0
    ax = 1.0
    ay = 1.0
    call surfstat()
    end program main
    subroutine surfstat()
    ! surfstat calculates surface state using green's function method---J.Phys.F.Met.Phys.15(1985)851-858     
    ! 利用已经求得的格林函数来计算对应的态密度
    use pub
    implicit none
    real kx,omg,re1,re2,re3
    real t_start,t_end
    integer i1
    call cpu_time(t_start)
    do kx = -pi,pi,dk
        call matset(kx)
        do omg = -3,3,domg
            call itera(omg,kx)
            re1 = log(abs(sum(aimag(GLL))))
            re2 = log(abs(sum(aimag(GRR))))
            re3 = log(abs(sum(aimag(GB))))
        end do
        write(20,*)" "
    end do
    call cpu_time(t_end)
    write(*,*)"Timing const is: ",t_end - t_start
999 format(30f16.12)
    end subroutine surfstat
    subroutine itera(omega,ky)
    use pub
    real omega,real_temp,ky
    integer iter
    complex omegac
    complex g0dem(N,N), g0(N,N) ! Green's Function
    complex epsiloni(N,N),epsilons(N,N),epsilons_t(N,N),alphai(N,N),betai(N,N)   ! 迭代过程变量
    complex GLLdem(N,N),GRRdem(N,N),GBdem(N,N),mat1(N,N),mat2(N,N)
    call matset(ky)
    epsiloni = H00
    epsilons = H00
    epsilons_t = H00
    alphai = H01
    betai  = conjg(transpose(H01))
    omegac = omega + eta*im
    do iter = 1, iternum

        g0dem = omegac*ones - epsiloni  !  Green's Function
        call inv(g0dem, g0)

        mat1 = matmul(alphai, g0)
        mat2 = matmul(betai, g0)

        g0 = matmul(mat1,betai)

        epsiloni = epsiloni + g0

        epsilons = epsilons + g0

        g0 = matmul(mat2,alphai)

        epsiloni = epsiloni + g0

        epsilons_t = epsilons_t + g0

        g0 = matmul(mat1, alphai)
        alphai = g0

        g0 = matmul(mat2, betai)
        betai = g0
        real_temp = sum(abs(alphai))   
        if (real_temp .le. err)then
        end if

     end do ! end of iteration

     ! calculate surface green's function
     GLLdem = omegac*ones- epsilons
     call inv(GLLdem, GLL)
    !  GLL = epsilons

     GRRdem = omegac*ones- epsilons_t
     call inv(GRRdem, GRR)
    !  GRR = epsilons_t

     GBdem = omegac*ones- epsiloni
     call inv(GBdem, GB)
    !  GB = epsiloni
    end subroutine itera
    subroutine matset(ky)
    ! 构建哈密顿量
    use pub
    real ky
    integer m,l
    call Pauli()
    do m = 1,hn
        do l = 1,hn
            H00(m,l) = (m0-ty*cos(ky))*g1(m,l) + ay*sin(ky)*g3(m,l) 

            H01(m,l) = (-tx*g1(m,l) - im*ax*g2(m,l))/2
        end do
    end do
    !  初始化单位矩阵
    do ix = 1,N
        ones(ix,ix) = 1.0
    end do
    end subroutine matset
    subroutine inv(matin,matout)
    use pub
    complex,intent(in) :: matin(N,N)  ! N is dimension of matrix which can be readed from pub model (use pub)
    complex:: matout(size(matin,1),size(matin,2))
    real:: work2(size(matin,1))            ! work2 array for LAPACK
    integer::ipiv(size(matin,1))     ! pivot indices
    integer info  ! inv solution information
    ! Store matin in matout to prevent it from being overwritten by LAPACK
    matout = matin
    ! SGETRF computes an LU factorization of a general M-by-N matrix A
    ! using partial pivoting with row interchanges.
    call CGETRF(N,N,matout,N,ipiv,info)
    if (info.ne.0) stop 'Matrix is numerically singular!'
    ! SGETRI computes the inverse of a matrix using the LU factorization
    ! computed by SGETRF.
    call CGETRI(N,matout,N,ipiv,work2,N,info)
    if (info.ne.0) stop 'Matrix inversion failed!'
    end subroutine inv
!======================== Pauli Matrix driect product============================
    subroutine Pauli()
    use pub
    !   TI
    !------ Kinetic energy
    g1(1,1) = 1
    g1(2,2) = -1
    g1(3,3) = 1
    g1(4,4) = -1
    !-------- SOC-x
    g2(1,2) = 1
    g2(2,1) = 1
    g2(3,4) = -1
    g2(4,3) = -1
    !---------- SOC-y
    g3(1,2) = -im
    g3(2,1) = im
    g3(3,4) = -im
    g3(4,3) = im
    end subroutine Pauli


set encoding iso_8859_1
#set terminal  postscript enhanced color
#set output 'arc_r.eps'
#set terminal pngcairo truecolor enhanced  font ",50" size 1920, 1680
set terminal png truecolor enhanced font ",50" size 1920, 1680
set output 'density.png'
#set palette defined ( -10 "#194eff", 0 "white", 10 "red" )
set palette defined ( -10 "blue", 0 "white", 10 "red" )
#set palette rgbformulae 33,13,10
unset ztics
unset key
set pm3d
set border lw 6
set size ratio 1
set view map
set xtics
set ytics
#set xlabel "K_1 (1/{\305})"
set xlabel "X_1"
#set ylabel "K_2 (1/{\305})"
set ylabel "Y"
set ylabel offset 1, 0
set colorbox
set xrange [-1:1]
set yrange [-3:3]
set pm3d interpolate 4,4
#splot 'wavenorm.dat' u 1:2:3 w pm3d
#splot 'wavenorm.dat' u 1:2:3 w pm3d
splot 'openy-bhz.dat' u 1:2:3 w pm3d


  1. Highly convergent schemes for the calculation of bulk and surface Green functions

  2. 参考资料


